About Us

Changing The World

One Creation At A Time!

My purpose is simple, to spread love and positivity, to lift people up, to inspire others to find what they love, what makes them feel good, and share it with the world.

All too often the world is trying to break us down, separate us, make us feel worthless. But through all my creations I want everyone to 




and that we are all


We are visual beings. Words, posters, art, videos, photos do have the power to touch and inspire, motivate us or brings us down. Every art piece and creation is raw and imperfect just like us. But we all deserve to feel good, to love what we do. To know we are connected. To feel LOVED, even if it starts with Words on a t-shirt to remind you throughout your day that you are POWERFUL or an art piece that makes stop and breathe if only for a minute or two. So what you, waiting for? Go find what speaks to you and lift yourself up!

"Spread Love, for Love is Everything!" - April Love